Apr 19
Steven NapolitanBranding, Marketing
Seth Godin’s discusses the success of Steve Cohen, who makes a million a year doing magic.
Seth brings up some points that make Steve successful. I agree knowing his craft is huge, but then from there it comes down to his narrowed target audience and knowing that audience very, very well.
The better you know your target audience the better you can provide to them and the better you can sell to them. I think too many people brush over their target audience and don’t give enough thought into the matter. If you truly take the time to deeply understand your target audience you will have a much high chance of success.
The knowledge you get from doing the research and digging further will allow for much better answers to the questions of what you should say, how you should say, when you should say, where you should say and much, much more.
These items tend to seem simple and in some ways they are, but if you force yourself to peel back another layer and then another, you will find great communication with your audience. Better Brand Building!!!
Think of it as writing a script without knowing the characters. That sounds ridiculous… doesn’t it? And it is, so is not knowing your Target Audience the best you can.
Dig deeper and you’ll find the gold.
Apr 16
Steven NapolitanEntertainment, Film, Marketing, New Media, TV
Gavin McGarry at MipTV
Gavin McGarry from Jumpwire Media, closed MipTV discussing all to take away in digital media from this years conference.
He stated “Video is expected to be nearly 50% of internet traffic by 2012 and video is expected to be 64% of global mobile data traffic by 2013.”
Video content has always been powerfully and as connection speeds continue to increase everywhere, especially through Mobile this will continue to grow as the preferred way to communicate and be entertained online.
He also states, “you need to be in two places: YouTube and Facebook.” They are number 1 & 2 in terms of views. (YouTube leads.)
Video, video and more video.
You can read more of what had to say at the MipTV Blog.
Apr 15
Steven NapolitanBranding, Marketing, New Media
Higher quality design and production will allow your brand to more quickly build impressions into the minds of your target audience.
By maintaining and enhancing your Brand you can actually reach your audience fewer times, with a more memorable impression. This can save you money.
This is the same for getting video to spread digitally. If it is produced well, it will be spread by your audience. This saves you money from having to pay for distribution.
Again, just to be clear, quality is not always about being flashy. Quality, to me, is the right content, presented in the right way, in the right place to the right people.
Up front, you may spend more to have better produced content, but the long-term savings will far out weigh the cost.
In the end, quality will build higher value for your brand and provide a better ROI.
Quality = Savings.
Apr 14
Steven NapolitanBranding, Marketing, New Media
Quality is a key piece to getting more out of what you produce.
As digital marketers, we are working hard to get others to spread what we produce. Much like Public Relations… When you are creating a press release the goal is to create the best release you can, so that editors and program directors will run with your story (passing it on… in masses.)
Going viral with a video is much the same. We are creating quality Ads & content that cause those that watch it to pass it on. This can grow to masses, as it is continued to be passed and passed and passed.
Quality is key. Quality content is a must. Once you get someone to your site, blog or YouTube channel it will be the content that keeps them or causes them to click away. Quality is not always about being flashy. Quality, to me, is the right content, presented in the right way, in the right place to the right people.
Design is in the same line. Better design helps close the deal in stores with better packaging. Better design helps build better brand impressions. Better designed layout of content could be the difference between people reading or not.
Quality with everything you do… design, content (video or written) and all other things you release to the world, will make all the difference in what you are communicating.
Apr 13
Steven NapolitanEntertainment, Film, Marketing, New Media, TV
Chloe Sladden @MipTV
Chloe Sladden, who is in charge of media partnerships at Twitter, spoke at MipTV yesterday. She discussed how twitter can not only help engage large audiences for broadcasters, but it can also improve the content with real-time conversation.
Sladden explained that if you can watch a program, while having a conversation with your friends about what you are watching, it enhances the overall experience.
I know it does make it different. When you watch something with others, you do have a different experience, in the fact that you start taking in their opinions. That can be good or bad. Overall, conversation is good. Think about YouTube… if you have a video that is ‘most commented on’ it increases your rating and the awareness of that clip. This will work the same for programs being tweeted about.
Twitter will continue to open up the digital conversation and expand awareness/reach of those conversations. This is already increasing viewership for media, just as it does for products or services.
New Media Marketers will continue to improve their integration of digital tools. Twitter is a big part of that.
The cool thing is Twitter has launched a media outlet to read case studies and see what others are doing by using twitter to enhance their programming. Check it out @ http://media.twitter.com/ and follow @twittermedia.
You can also read more about what Chloe Sladden said on the MipTV’s blog.
Apr 12
Steven NapolitanEntertainment, TV
We’re kicking this week off with our latest TV Series, ‘Livin’ Loud,’ debuting in Cannes, France @ MipTV.
From what we hear… Broadcaster’s are looking for “Feel Good TV” and that is what ‘Livin’ Loud’ is all about.
It is an exciting Monday.
Apr 09
Steven NapolitanMarketing
Hello digital people. Welcome to the Nappic Blog.
We will be discussing all things to do with Marketing and Entertainment. If I look back 13+ years to when I started producing, I had two separate fronts. One, being a filmmaker and two, producing commercials & corporate communications. While there was indeed some overlap, especially creative-wise, it was still a dual life.
Fast forward to today and I find my two worlds completely collided. Advertising is more about Entertaining your audience, while including your product or service and Entertainment is embedding Advertising into their films, TV series and other attractions.
All this does is make us more excited then ever to come to work every day.
We love what we do.
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