Know Marketing. Know What to Say.

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Jumping into to social media can be like jumping into construction.

If I came to your house, parked a brand new construction truck with all the latest tools and then told you… “Hey, I have some property down the street and here is a construction truck with all the tools you need to build a house. Please start tomorrow.”  Then I just walk away… I am assuming that you know how to build a house.

That is the same as if I show you Facebook or any other social network and you jump right in.  That is assuming that you know about marketing.

We have to learn to be great marketers and then use the best means of communication.  Social Media is amazing at reaching larger numbers of people in a shorter period of time, but we still have to know how to do that. Your friends can tell you, I’m do this or I’m doing that, but is it right for you and if it is, what are you going to say.

Learn marketing, learn what to say, how to say it and where to say it. This will yield you so much more.

Once you under stand that, then it doesn’t matter what new social media tool comes your way.  It may be a new shiny megaphone, but you already know what to say.  That is the key!

Know Marketing! Know what to say!




Don’t Build your Social Mansion on Sand

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I see many business jumping into social media with out first looking at their Brand and more specifically what value they bring to their audience. In most cases, this causes very little results.  If you first align, your brand your results will be much greater.

It is critical to ones success that a solid foundation for your business be set before spending much time in social media.  Time is so important and worth so much.  With that being said, grinding away in social media with out a good plan, that presents the businesses brand and value, it can be a huge waste with very little results.

You have to ask yourself, what makes you distinct to your audience, what makes you relevant to your audience and what makes you memorable to your audience. There are more questions to be asked, but this is a good starting point.

Start aligning the answers to these questions with the value you have and bring more value to your social media.  Give some of that value and wisdom away. It will come back to you tenfold. Social media is largely about sharing. Share your value.