Misconception: Social Media is Dominated by Teenagers

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People think social media is for teenagers to share pictures on facebook or Tweet about their breakfast, when in fact, the fastest growing demographic on social networks in 2009 were men and women 45 and over.

If you just engage your target audience with compelling content then you’ll grow some of the most meaningful relationship for your business.

Going Big

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Going online/digital allows you to go big, as I discussed a few posts ago, Reaching Critical Mass Faster, but is not always about going as big as you can. Strategy trumps size, unless size is the game.

For most brands it is about reaching the right people.  There are so many social communities that some times the biggest one is not necessarily the ones that will achieve the maximum results for that brand.

Even when you are working with the largest communities, they have inner circles.

Crisis! What happens to Brands in Social Media?

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We are seeing more and more Brands come under tough times when dealing with their Brand Crisis.

Johnson & Johnson & BP are good, current examples.

With the age of digital media, it is and will continue to be more difficult for brands to hide from the consequences of their mistakes. Obviously, we all want to know the Brands we buy are doing all they can for our safety.  As sustainability continues to grow in awareness, what Brands do for the environment and how they reduce their impact to the world is also important.

With that as a standard, even the best of companies will have errors or mistakes. Things happen.  These things can be greatly reduced with great operations, but are not foolproof. So what happens when things go wrong?

With the opportunity for us to all communicate more and with much more speed, we can all be heard by the world. Digital mobilization can happen very quickly by angry consumers. The more honest Brands are, the quicker and better they will recover. Brands that hide things are much more likely to get caught and that just increases the problem.

The quicker Brands say, “Yes, we have a problem and here is what we are doing to fix it…” and then do it, the better they will fair.

Also, I think we are all seeing and hear more about these Brand problems, again because of the increased opportunity to communicate on large scale. Consumers are speaking out and if Brands are not honest and show that they are doing everything they can to correct the issue, they will lose ground quickly in digital media.


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Now take my post from April 19th, ’Knowing Your Target Audience,’ mix in the post from April 21st, ‘Reaching Critical Mass Faster,’ with the post from April 14th, ‘Quality is Key in the Digital World’ and you have power.

Power as a marketer, to reach who you need to with the right quality content. These are some of the things that Nappic works with everyday.

Right now we’re having some really exciting times.

Reaching Critical Mass Faster

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I was looking back at an older Blog book written by Hugh Hewitt.  In one of the chapters he writes about the Protestant Reformation… Martin Luther was able to question Catholicism without persecution because of the invention of movable-type printing press. This type of printing allowed for printing to be 400 percent less expensive. This allowed a much larger reach of communication in a short amount of time.

Prior to this, only the rich could get their hands on information.  This new way to print allowed the majority of people to receive information. Martin Luther’s message spread around Europe in about a month.  Without the movable-type printing press this wouldn’t have happened and Martin Luther would have been silenced.  He reached a critical mass.

Fast-forward to the last 10 years…  The digital communication we experience today has again been made possible by new technology.  The cost of reaching critical mass has once again been greatly reduced.

Now, take today and the near future, it is all about taking this digital information anywhere via mobile. This is powerful because 4-times more people own a mobile phone than those that own a computer. Mobile content once again, allows a greater reach, in a shorter time, at a reduced cost.

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