Why going BIG works better SMALL.

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Things have gotten so big in some cases, that the time has come to get SMALL.

Some people think that the best way to grow business is to keep getting bigger, but in a lot of cases this causes more and more generality to reach the larger group and intimacy is lost with your audience. Today, in the social world, Brands need to be smaller and relate in more specific ways to each of their target audiences.

This may even mean to break your target audiences into even more specific audiences.

There are hundreds of valid social networks and many of them cater to a very specific audience.  When things get so big that they no longer relate enough to the people, it has become to general.  Basically, trying to reach everyone.  This is the time to run the opposite way. Be specific and seek out those networks that reach those curious in that specific item or thought.

Here is a great example of a Brand thinking in such a way. Miller, #2 in the world of beer at 11.8 percent global share, is push to grow business, but has chose to build smaller more intimate brands in many of the countries it servers global.  Read more in today’s Adage article: SABMiller Thinks Globally, but Gets ‘Intimate’ Locally.

As information continues to be easier found, people will continue to crave what they want in a very specific ways. Meaning there is so much information, products and services, it is plausible to find exactly what you want. Filling those niches will lead to great success.


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